Marble Creek Acres

Craft wine & tasting room, farm store, and quality Kiko goats!!!

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"The Worrier" Published in the Goat Rancher by Josh Crise

Published in the March edition, pg. 45-46

Just a quick update to Kathy's blog post, "The Worrier". Kathy was featured in the March edition of the Goat Rancher, titled "Maine winters can't help but create a worrier", on pages 45-46. The Goat Rancher is a magazine which has been in circulation for more than two decades, covering every aspect of the goat industry, from the producer with 1000 head to the small rancher. There are articles from producers and veterinarians as well as other columnist with anecdotal stories and advice about goat husbandry. The magazine is available in most Tractor Supply Company stores throughout the country.If interested, for more detailed information on the Goat Rancher, a subscription or digital subscription, visit